The Saga...the following are copies of e-mails I sent to my friend R., trying to explain the whole situation. Rather than rewrite them, I just copied and pasted...(I'm lazy, what can I say ;o)
Stop the ride I want to get off!!
I have had a most unusual past couple of days...and a
whole range of emotions I do not wish on to anyone...I
mean I hope no one ever goes through what we all (all
my fellow doll collecting friends) have gone through. when we last left off, I was trying to deal
with the pain suffered from the loss of a friend. I
wouldn't say he was my closest friend, but we have
known each other for five years, we talked weekly, we
saw yeach other in the flesh yearly, and alot of my
doll collecting habit would not have been to the
extent it was were it not for this circle of
As the week got later...I am not recalling exactly
when I e-mailed you...but the death happened on Monday
late of last week...we found out Friday
we had still not heard of any arrangements. I was
checking the Houston Chronicle web site daily for the
notice as were several others...On Thursday both G.
and E. and their daughters were in Chicago for the
same convention that D. and F. were going to.
Monday afternoon, W. called me again, we had been
in constant contact the past week. He asked if I was
sitting down and I said yes. He told me. "D. is
Okay hello, WHAT? We were in shock yet all
started with a comment G. had made when she came
back from the convention...we always post our reports:
Here's the pertinent post...its easier than me
paraphrasing (my notes highlighted by **)
It is my understanding from a limited conversation
with N.S. and T.C. **both from the
Tonner Doll Company sponsoring the event** that F.
spoke with T. twice about D. The first call was
to let them know that D. was in the hospital and
unable to travel. The second to let them know he died.
E. talked with them before I did, does this seem
accurate to you E.? We were trying to figure out what
happened when, but T. couldn't recall when he had
gotten the message nor did he know when the original
message had been left. They seemed to be under the
impression he had been sick for awhile.
N. did mention that during the first call T. had
offered to ship the event dolls and F. said he
preferred shipping to cancelling. She made no mention
of what T. and F. may have discussed during the
second call, other than to say she was surprised at
how organized F. was to locate them during the event
preparation, call with updates and FedEx C.'s
jewelry (both C. and the jewelry were
beautiful.)**E.'s daughter wears an outfit that is
in the current year's doll's line -- D. has made
the jewelry every year.**
With regards to his account, **D. was also a
dealer of the Tonner dolls, offering them to our group
at 10% above his cost.** I do not know his status. Nor
do I have any insight into whether F. would close or
continue it. If you'd like me to, I can see if I can
find out more when Tonner's staff returns and
recuperates from convention.
I do not want to see anyone on the Lot miss out on
anything Tonner they'd like. **G. is a dealer as
well.** If there's something you want me to order,
whether it's something new that's caught your eye or
something limited that you'd prefer to cover your base
on, e-mail me and I'll do my best.
So he's during the time we think he is dead...F.,
D.'s partner has time to call a doll company, but
not any of his "friends?"
I think I recall mentioning to you that we think
sometime on Monday D. unsubscribed himself from
our Yahoo! Doll club. It's unlisted so you have to be
invited to get in, and once unsubbed there is no way
in except by invitation. However our club had a small
back-door which was left ajar...On a lark we created a
Yahoo id named "blanche_honey" she was like the
cocktail waitress of the was a running thing
that when something good happened, we yell for Blanche
to pour the champagne. The password was common
knowledge. And while it had been ages since anybody
used the log in name, it was there, and I have no
doubt it was used during this time. So while we are
grieving...D. has a line into the club....
Okay I am going to send this one and get into the next
section....(it's like a soap opera I swear!!!!)
In the Spiral
Okay Yahoo is cooroperating here is E.'s take on
events. My comments preceded by **
D(iabolical) and F(******) episode
Okay, I have not had a chance to relay what happened
in Chicago so here goes...
When I checked in on Thursday at 12:30 pm, the clerk
said to me "and you have a package here." I don't know
why but I knew immediately it was C.'s jewelry
from D. My heart was pounding when I looked at
the FEDEX envelope and saw it was sent May 1st (the
day that D supposedly died) and the return address
said it was from F.
Inside the envelope was a letter from F and I will
quote it here (I feel no need to keep this
correspondence private in light of what has happened):
So sorry we will miss you in Chicago--unfortunately we
are unable to travel.
Enclosed is package #1 (blah blah about the jewelry..)
We certainly hope that you and C. both enjoy
these. We are so sorry we will not see you in Chicago.
I have never seen F.'s handwriting so I don't know
if he did or didn't write this note.
I go to a room where the Tonner Co. is having a
luncheon and I see N.S. I ask her "Have you
heard that one of our tablemates passed away this
Tuesday?" I can barely get the words out as I am
crying again.
Ms. N. says, "Yes, we heard. We got a call from his
partner, F., is it? that he was in the hospital and
would be unable to come to convention. And then we got
a call the following day that he had died."
I sat up at this news. From what I remembered W.
had told me, F. said that he came home on Tuesday
morning and found D. dead at home. So I was confused
about the hospital part.
Through my tears, I manage to ask "When did he call?"
Ms. N., being tired from all the preparations, says
"I've lost track of time. Today is Thursday and when
did he die?" I said "Tuesday." She said, "It must have
been Monday then when he first called and then Tuesday
was when he called again."
I asked her "What exactly did F. say?" She said
"F. said that D. was in the hospital and unable
to come so could we have the dolls sent to him anyway.
And we said sure."
Then Ms. N. asked me "IS F. a collector too?
Should we still send the dolls?" And I said, "I think
F. collects too so he would appreciate receiving the
dolls that D. had wanted."
I will be the first to admit that I did not think that
D's death was untrue. Like I told C., I am a
simpleton, especially when it is about friends. I take
most things at face value and I don't go beyond the
moment and think the what ifs and how comes.
But honestly, as I told G. in Chicago, I found it
very strange that F. left a message about D. being in
the hospital. I also was curious as to how, in all
this (alleged) confusion, F. managed to remember to
send C.'s jewelry to the hotel. But like I said,
I didn't think this could even begin to suggest that
this was all untrue.
Scan Activity Date/Time Comments
Delivered SCHAUMBURG IL 05/02/2001 08:14
Left FedEx Origin Location HOUSTON TX 05/01/2001 18:32
Picked up by FedEx HOUSTON TX 05/01/2001 17:46
If you look at the above, that is the tracking info on
the package that F. sent me at the hotel. I would
presume that the pickup time of Tuesday, 5/1 at 17:46
is local? Houston time. I don't remember exactly now
what time W. said that F. had called on Tuesday to
say that D. had died. **It is local time**
Ok, fast forward to Tuesday, 5/8.
Wayne calls me at about 8 pm? to tell me it is untrue.
In the middle of our conversation, I pick up F.'s call
(call waiting--C., you should have it--LOL).
F. says, E., it's F and he asks how I am. Then he
says "I have good news." (very calmly, like a call
from a doll dealer to say your doll is at the shop,
come pick it up and play)
I say something like "F., I know." And he says
"D. is alive."
At this point, I start crying again, and I feel
relieved, betrayed, fooled, and exhausted, all at the
same time.
F. says to me "I felt I had to call you personally to
tell you." And then I said, "Oh gosh, F., I got the
jewelry and I started crying all over again at the
Then I managed to ask "What happened?" F. said
something like "I just brought D. home from the
hospital today." I asked F. how D. was and he said,
"he's fine, just sleepy."
I was crying so much, I don't even remember what I
said. I said, "Gosh, F., I even sent you flowers."
At this point, F, is also crying and he says, "Yes, I
got them." Then I told him that I had every intention
of flying to Houston this week to be with him, and F.
is now sobbing on the phone.
I don't remember what else we talked about, we hung up
shortly after that.
Academy Award performance by F.? I don't really
One More Dip
W.'s version of events...
I Have to Move On...
If you look at the time of this post, you'll see it is
after 2am here. This is the 3rd night in a row that I
will get about 5 hours sleep and have to put in a full
day's work. I'm exhausted both emotionally and
First... M... I'm thinking of you and hope your
family situation gets better. I'm glad you "let it all
out" here on the BL.**Our first Yahoo! club** **M. revealed that she is
dealing with some terrible sickness in her own family.
She has been quiet through all of this.**
Second... I have been talking to many of you on the
phone each night. It's helped a lot and I thank you.
V., I just wish I could take my own advice. I'm
having a terrible time with this. I'm glad you talked
to a co-worker. I knew it would make the difference.
Third... I have been turning this over and over in my
head. I have a big decision to make here. I know D.
will eventually call me. I plan on asking him to
explain what happened but I doubt I'll get more than
"I don't remember." (Coma you know!!!). There is just
SO MUCH of these events that doesn't make sense. In
order, this is what happened to me.
1. Spoke to D. for last time, sometime Monday day.
2. Come home on Tuesday (5/1) to email from F. (and
I will quote the entire message) "D. is Dead. I
honestly don't know how to say it. I'm sure we'll
talk. F." This was received on my computer at 5:03
3. I call and call their house. At sometime around 8pm
my time, F. calls us. He is crying and says, D.
is dead. Too many sleeping pills. Makes reference to
the fact that D. was feeling like a "non-person." He
says NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about a hospital or
coma. NOTHING!!! His conversation is very brief as he
is hysterical. (Good acting? and a "Hit and Run"
4. 6, count 'em 6, days pass. On Monday, B. and I
have finished dinner. The phone rings. It is F. He
starts with "I'm so embarrased." I think for taking so
long to respond to my many messages. I reassure him,
it's okay. Just like EEEEE said, he says "No, I have
good news." (sort of like I just won a contest or
something). D. is alive. I am once again in shock.
I ask him what happened.... he says coma, hospital,
and now he's home. I had the presence of mind to ask
if he went to the hospital where F. works.... yes he
says. Again, tears and a short (hit and run)
conversation. I hang up in absolute shock.
Cut to yesterday. I did a bit of sleuthing and called
the hospital. There was no D.S. admitted or
discharged from that hospital. (DUH... like I didn't
already know that).
NONE of this makes sense to me, although I have a few
thoughts on maybe why. But I'd be typing all night if
I had to relay all that. I most certainly think it was
a hissy-fit. He never wanted to talk to us again....
he wasn't going to Chicago... told F. to say he was
dead, he didn't care. Later as the week went on, the
flowers arrived, he could hear us all calling the
house, he might have been reading here on Blanche's
name and saw all the things we said about him (doesn't
THAT just make your flesh crawl) and his St. John's
Wart kicked in and he realized perhaps he'd gone too
far. "F., help me clean this up... what can we do?"
Here's the hospital, coma story AFTER we're told he's
dead. They're hoping we're all gonna say "Oh D.,
thank God you're alive... what happened...???" Well
not me brother. This has been a terrible experience
for me (as all of you) and I plan on listening to his
explanation, then I plan on telling him how I feel in
no uncertain terms. Or maybe I'm giving him too much
credit here. Maybe he'll never call me. That would be
fine too because actually, as far as I'm concerned, he
IS dead. I just need to tell him how I feel, and end
our friendship. THAT'S the hard part for me. I want
answers, I want to be sure. And I know that will never
happen. I have important work to do... both at my
regular job and for AD. I have to move on with this. I
guess I'll just have to wait for that phone to ring.
And again, if it never does, amen to that too.
**I lost an e-mail between this one and the next one, so I will need to fill in a bit of background information here. Two years ago, there was an
episode that probably should have clued us all in.
Most of us had arrived into New Jersey for Convention early on Thursday (Activities begin Friday night.) to give us a chance to relax. D. & F. were no exception. We only saw D. that first night. And everything seemed to be going okay. Well, D. was not happy with his room (on the executive level nonetheless) and sometime in the middle of the night he and F. checked out and into a hotel down the street. And for the rest of the convention, D. was
sick. F. attended all the events by himself. So basically since things did not go as he had wanted he had a big hissy fit.**
Disembarking the Ride
After D.'s stunt at the convention two years ago,
W. told him, if you do anything like that again, I
will never speak to you ever again.
W.'s not one to back down. Monday when we spoke he
asked me to shut down our Yahoo club. I agreed. It
remains up until Friday so people can vent and take
their pictures down. I also deleted the
"blanche_honey" ID.
We started a new club under a new name the same
day...invites went to all existing members *except*
D.. And we are still struggling to understand why
anyone would do this. I mean if he did this to his
friends, I fear for his enemies.
Tuesday an impromptu chat started, E. and I were
there, joined by almost everyone else. Some things
from the past way in the beginning came out...we all
used to post on the Ashton-Drake forum, and as the
group grew so did the arguments a huge flame war broke
out..with anonymous postings...D. was
involved...he eventually got his ISP# kicked off the
forum, a new private board was formed from
this...people he didn't like were there as well, so he
left...and that was when we formed our Yahoo club with
a few select people. A clique plain and simple...The
flame war was very nasty...a "manifesto" was
posted...I mean a really wacked manifesto...D. had
made a comment at the time to W. that you could go
to the public library and while the ISP could be
traced the individual using the computer could not.
As the conversation went on...we talked about the chat
we had had the week before when we were grieving,
Wayne had mentioned that yes, D. was avoiding
someone in chat. A tense silence followed. C.
asked if it was her. I IMed her privately that it
Monday, the subject came up again, I tried to move us
past it. G. kept pushing the issue, worried for
that person's personal, physical safety. R. asked if
I knew who it was, and I said yes. She said, "I am
sorry you are burdened with that." G. kept pushing
it. I was IMing E. privately asking her what I
should do, she knew it was G. as well. Finally I
said, "I'd be breaking a confidence if I told...its in
the past now, lets move on."
G. e-mailed W. the next day still worried about
the dangers...W. called her, basically told her to
calm down..and then told her the truth.
I think it was harder to call people the second time
around. V. was in a bad way, I could hear her
husband in the background. We got a frantic e-mail
from her on Tuesday asking us to all get together...I
asked W. to call her...he is moving on and putting
it behind him. They talked a long time. I think it
W. expects him to call one of these days and is
going to try for an explanation...he is sure he will
get "I don't remember."
Some other interesting facts.
W. called the hospital Tuesday on a lark, D.
was never checked in. He confirmed this with S.'s
husband who works at that hospital, which is also
where F. works.
R. had sent a check to pay for a doll about two
months ago. It was cashed that Monday.
Ahhhh so that is it...I think...I think this ride
should be called the whirlwind...
And to quote Paul Harvey..."That is the
rest of the story.
It's strange and odd I know. And we will probably never know the whole story...and infact if I was reading something like this I couldn't believe it. It really is true that fact is stranger than fiction...