BB (Before Blogger)
I was keeping these simple updates at a site called
Spark...when damn it, today, it said, "Your life story is too long. Please limit yourself to 2500 words." What? Okee...but if life is ongoing, how can there be a limit? Well, where there is a will there is a way, so here I am...
So as not to confuse ya'll, here's what led up to this point:
Kristana (that's me!)
27 y/o ... straight ... resigned
Dependent Good
Love Provider (yeah whatever the heck that means!!)
"The word "genre" rolls off the tongue in a most delightful way..."Giving and wholesome, no matter your age or experience, you will always be pure at heart. You sense the good in people, and it's part of your nature to cuddle. As a result, your relationships are deep and lasting, and part of each of them will be with you forever. It's likely that you're still friends with most of your exes.
But you have to remember to live in the present and not the past. Like many things in nature, you are easily trampled, and you struggle sometimes to carve out you own identity. Assert yourself more, both in romance and in life. Dare to dream. You'd make a great wife, but, hey, that doesn't mean you wouldn't make a great one-night-stand.
Basically, love flows from you like fresh, clean water from a Rocky mountain stream. Be careful, because some guy might combine you with only the choicest hops and turn you into a beer.
Life Story I once had a dream where the singer from INXS came to me and said, "People are crunchy." Of course I will have to take his word on that...I'm told you have to watch the quiet ones *smile* Other than that things are pretty much average, care to change that?
~update~ 1/20/01 Going bonkers from cabin fever having been home sick for four days *boing boing boing* (that's me bouncing off the ceiling) so I decided to retake the test...I am not sure if I agree more with "the mistress" label or the "girl interrupted" label or the "pure mountain stream" label, but then thats what they are mere labels, so draw your own conclusions. I guess you could say I am like a jewel, I have many facets...okee thats it for now...*boing boing boing*
~update~ 1/28/01 *boing* Okee...all better now, or at least well enough to go back to work...not that I really want to mind you, but one has to pay the bills...
~update~ 1/31/01 grrrrrr...relapse, sick again and must stay's that means more least he gave me medicine that allows me to swallow without pain...
~update~ 2/6/01 Ahhhhh cross your fingers, I am not sick anymore!! Yipee!! *boing* (for old times sake ;o) Does anybody remember that show "Tales of the Gold Monkey?" I miss that show!
~update~ 2/18/01 Have you ever noticed how soothing the sound of rain is? I could listen to that for hours...just sitting in the dark...
~update~ 2/24/00 Two quotes for your consideration:
"And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." --Anäis Nin
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." -- Judy Garland
~update~ 3/1/01 Are relationships even worth it? I sometimes wonder...the pain, the joy, the ups and downs. I guess even after all that, it is, it really is. It's just at this moment it really doesn't seem like it is. Am I making sense? I guess this is the dark before the dawn. I probably should have seen it coming...
~update~ 3/6/01 I guess I should make a clarification. I did *not* resign...I just *feel* resigned. Subtle but a difference.
The 'D' key on my laptop is hyper-sensitive. I guess that's what I get for popping the key off to dislodge a wayward sesame seed..but I could just think of hovering over the 'D' key and a 'D' appears!
I need to get a pedicure I think...that is good remedy for pulling one's self out of the doldrums...
And it's almost coming back....details next update ;o)
AB (In the year of Blogger)
And so here we are...all caught up...